
From User Insights to Seamless Experiences

586 Bradford Street, Brooklyn, NY 11207
5 September 2023
5pm - 7pm


Elena Watson

UI Designer

Freddie Warner

Product Designer

Georgia Mills

UX Specialist


09:00 Registration and Networking
09:30 Opening Keynote
10:00 Session 1 - Trends in UX Design
11:00 Morning Break
11:15 Session 2 - Case Studies in UX Design
12:15 Lunch Break
13:30 Workshop 1 - Hands-on Prototyping
15:00 Afternoon Break
15:15 Session 3 - User Research Best Practices
16:30 Closing Keynote and Q&A
17:00 Coctails and Party



586 Bradford Street, Brooklyn, NY 11207


Get answers to the most frequently asked questions.

How can participants network with peers and industry professionals during the event?

Networking opportunities are often a significant draw for events. Providing details about planned networking sessions, online forums, or other platforms for interaction can influence professionals who are not only seeking knowledge but also looking to connect with peers and expand their professional network.

Is the UX Design event suitable for beginners?

Participants will want to gauge the appropriateness of the event based on their skill level. Clearly defining the target audience—whether it's beginners, intermediate designers, or advanced professionals—helps potential attendees determine if the event aligns with their current skill set and learning objectives.

Who are the featured speakers and what expertise do they bring?

Knowing the background and expertise of the speakers can be a crucial factor for attendees when deciding to participate. Providing information about the featured speakers and their contributions to the field of UX design can attract professionals looking to learn from industry leaders.

Are there hands-on workshops or interactive sessions planned?

Many participants find value in practical, hands-on experiences. Clarifying whether the event includes interactive workshops, design sprints, or other practical sessions can influence attendance and help participants prepare for an engaging and immersive experience.

What is the primary focus of the UX Design event?

Participants may want to know the specific areas or topics that will be covered during the event. Providing information on the primary focus helps potential attendees understand the relevance and applicability of the event to their interests and professional goals.